Enviraflo options to suit your pool

We understand all pools and ownership expectations are different, so we’ve developed a range of options to cater for your individual site and lifestyle requirements. Consider the options below to make sure your new Enviraflo pool is everything you want it to be.

Multiply the savings

Large pools typically require additional skimmers and even more power to maintain  healthy circulation. A large Enviraflo pool is even more efficient as additional venturi skimmers multiply your energy savings.



The invisible drain

The exclusive AVSC drain with its tile/pebble lid can be used to blend seamlessly with your pool interior, thus making it almost invisible.


Capture heavy debris

Heavy debris sites pose no problem for Enviraflo. A LeafVac debris canister can be installed to capture heavy debris, reduce maintenance and protect your pool pump.


Cleaning your pool

Enviraflo enhances any cleaning system you choose for your pool. You can even make life easier by adding pop-up cleaning heads and upgrading Enviraflo to become a self-cleaning pool.


System Components

The following quality components are available as upgrade options to a standard Enviraflo system. Learn a little more about each component so your new pool is designed to suit your lifestyle needs.

AVSC Drain

Tap to Download

Debris Canister

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Gamma 4 Cleaning Head

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